Happy Easter!

Fun Facts about Easter from the National Confectioners Association:

The first chocolate eggs were made in Europe in the early 19th century and remain among the most popular treats associated with Easter.
90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are made for Easter each year.
16 billion jelly beans are made for Easter.
Each day, five million marshmallow chicks and bunnies are produced in preparation for Easter.
Easter is the second top-selling confectionery holiday behind only Halloween.
88 percent of adults carry on the Easter tradition of creating Easter baskets for their kids.
76 percent of people eat the ears on chocolate bunnies first.
Red jelly beans are kids’ favorite.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records the largest Easter egg ever made was just over 25-ft high and made of chocolate and marshmallow. The egg weighed 8,968 lbs. and was supported by an internal steel frame.

Winner of the 2012 Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest:

Bonus Diorama: Hunger Peeps:

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20 Responses to Happy Easter!

  1. I love the Peeps city! Happy Easter to you and Jim!

  2. Vasilly says:

    The diorama is so cute! Happy Easter.

  3. softdrink says:

    And here I sit without a single piece of Easter candy in the house. I feel like such a failure!

  4. I love that Hunger Peeps diorama! Happy Easter!

  5. florinda3rs says:

    No Easter candy in my house, either (and between you and me, Peeps are only fit for dioramas, not for eating). Happy Easter, and thanks for the fun facts!

  6. I could never stand PEEPS – give me chocolate please. None in our house though — I can’t resist temptation.

  7. Love the Peep Dioramas…now THAT is art!! 😉

  8. I love the Peeps dioramas! Speaking of Hunger Games reenactments… I may or may not have reenacted Hunger Games scenes in the woods with friends on our girls’ getaway weekend. And there may or may not be photographic evidence… 😀

  9. Staci@LifeintheThumb says:

    That is a cool way to use Peeps!!

    Happy Easter…a day late!

  10. zibilee says:

    Happy Easter to you, my friend! I love the peep dioramas as well. The Hunger Games diorama is awesome indeed!

  11. Peeps are nasty (in my opinion) but they make fun art. I drove past the Occupy set-up and I must say the Peeps display makes it look much cleaner and inviting! 😉

  12. I’m obsessed with the WashPo Peeps contest. My husband and I entered a couple years ago!

  13. Jenny says:

    Happy belated Easter, and thanks for the reminder about the Peeps diorama competition! I hate make dioramas, and I hate Peeps, but I adore that competition.

  14. Athira says:

    The Hunger Peeps looks really cute! Hope you had a great Easter!

  15. love the peeps dioramas! the peeps factory is across the river in PA and i’ve tried to storm it a few times. one of the cutest peep-oriented things i saw this season was using them in easter s’mores. very clever! hope you had a ‘hoppy’ easter. and yes, i eat the bunny ears first. guess i’m not very original.

  16. Margot says:

    I like the winning diorama. It’s very cute. My daughter sent me a picture of Peep Sushi. Instead of raw fish it was made with Rice Krispies. For the record, I always eat the tail first.

  17. Trish says:

    16 BILLION!!! This post actually reminds me that my mom didn’t buy us any Peeps this year. We all hate them but it’s become a joke now. Huh…will have to bug her about that tomorrow. 😉

    Love Hunger Peeps. Ha!

  18. Jenners says:

    Loving The Hunger Peeps!!! And I love your take on the holiday. It aligns quite nicely with mine.

  19. bookingmama says:

    Love the Hunger Peeps photo. I am a HUGE Peeps fan and got a kick out of it.

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