May 15 – National Chocolate Chip Day

According to a marketing study published in 2013, chocolate pulls in $90 billion in global sales annually, $19 billion of it in the United States. In 2016, the U.S. chocolate market reached $17.6 billion in projected sales. Moreover, CNBC reported that “[t]he overall chocolate market rose 13 percent between 2010 and 2015 to hit $101 billion.” Approximately $10 billion of the money spent for chocolate in the United States is spent by my household.


In any event, for some hazy reason probably having to do with marketing, today is “universally acknowledged” (to paraphrase Jane Austen) as being National Chocolate Chip Day. I always try to support national holidays, and thus will do my part.


By the way, if you are attempting to sound erudite about chocolate, it helps to know that the plant from which it comes – the cacao tree – is pronounced kah-KOW. I just include this because of the way I always used to say, “c-a-c-a-o however it is pronounced.”

Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is formally known as Theobroma Cacao.

Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is formally known as Theobroma Cacao.

What are the essential properties of a dessert utilizing chocolate chips? In my opinion, the most essential is gooeyness. (In fact, I consider gooeyness the most essential for most food, but I’ll wait for other holidays to tell you about that.)

Then you need to consider which chocolate chips are the best. I myself prefer chips with a minimum of additions that give them a plastic taste. Also, we are more apt to use dark chocolate chips now, since they are allegedly healthier. This guide from Cooks Illustrated rates dark chocolate chips by taste and quality.

But you know what? You are going to see zillions of recipes today for chocolate chip cookies to help you celebrate this day, so I’m going to go a little outside the box here and offer two alternatives, both of which are from my recipe pins on Pinterest. (Even if you didn’t know which Recipe Board was mine, you could probably guess since almost every recipe label starts with “Gooey” or “Ooey Gooey” or, of course, “Chocolate.”) Because they come from other blogs, I will just link to them, for your clicking, viewing, and cooking pleasure.

First, for an insane sugar rush to start your day, I present:

Glazed Cinnamon Rolls Stuffed with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough


And then later, you will need dessert! And so I present Deep Dish Salted Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie


Click on the links for wonderful recipe ideas, and wonderful ways to celebrate this important day!


About rhapsodyinbooks

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19 Responses to May 15 – National Chocolate Chip Day

  1. sandynawrot says:

    Oh dear Lord. It is probably a good thing that you and I don’t live close to each other, or we would be encouraging each other to make things like this. OMG. I can always count on you to keep me up to speed on the National holidays!

  2. National Chocolate Chip Day — now this is a new one to me. How about a National Ice Cream Day – thinks we’ve gotten carried away a bit…LOL

    • Well, July is National Ice Cream MONTH, and within July, National Ice Cream DAY is the third Sunday. But it’s never too early to start practicing for the holiday! :–)

  3. who knew it had a day! wow..I need to celebrate.

  4. Barbara says:

    So that’s why Dave bought chocolate chip cookies at the grocery store yesterday. Usually he makes them, but he said he was too tired.

  5. Stefanie says:

    Every day is a day to celebrate chocolate in my book. Chocolate chips, well I suppose they do deserve a special celebration of their own given what versatile and delicious little things they are! 🙂

  6. Charlie says:

    So not just chocolate, but chocolate chip day? Sounds crazy, but incredibly fun, and positive. Great post 🙂

  7. Beth F says:

    I’m falling over with sweetness here! I’ll have to take some chocolate chips out of the freezer and let them celebrate their day by meeting my teeth.

  8. bookingmama says:

    Your post is making me very hungry and I’m not even a huge chocolate fan.

  9. jama says:

    Okay, you’re killing me here. Those cinnamon rolls are calling my name. Me want CHOCOLATE!

  10. Laurie C says:

    Chocolate chips are on my shopping list, but I haven’t made it to the market. Well, the market’s always too crowded on holidays, anyway! 😉

  11. Michelle says:

    The pie sounds devine! Will have to make it soon for my chocolate-loving son. Thanks for alerting me to this very important holiday.

  12. fanficfan44 says:

    I love the salty chocolate chip recipes. Something about the combination of salt and chocolate, yummm

  13. stacybuckeye says:

    I’m lusting over that cinnamon roll! The gooier the better in my opinion.

  14. You got me with that Deep Dish Salted Chocolate Chip Pie!

  15. litandlife says:

    I love to live in a country that celebrates chocolate chips!

  16. I imagined you saying cacao much like a bird for some crazy reason!!! Yum, I love all things chocolate too! Now I’m hungry 😦

  17. That pie would be really good with raisins in it.

  18. Jenners says:

    I think I can personally account for at least $1 billion of that amount. And I just need to pretend I didn’t see that thing about the chocolate in the sticky buns. NOT GOOD INFO FOR ME TO HAVE!

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