Flowers in the Desert

It’s allergy time blossoming time in the dessert :

Cactus Flower

Hedgehog Cacti in Bloom

Slope behind my house (and in front of the anti-bunny fence)

Holly Agave (My Favorite Agave)

Pretty in Pink

You Lookin' At Me?

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21 Responses to Flowers in the Desert

  1. Nymeth says:

    I love those! Especially the second and third pictures.

  2. Barbara says:

    Thanks to you and Cathy from Phoenix, I now have a whole different idea of the desert. Beautiful pictures. Can you appreciate them through the teary eyes and in between sneezes?

  3. bermudaonion says:

    They are just gorgeous!

  4. Margot says:

    Wow – these are so amazing and so beautiful. I’m glad that, even in the desert, you can enjoy the beauty of Spring.

    I had the weird notion that if I lived in desert country I could avoid allergies. Of course, that doesn’t make sense now that I think of it. Blooms=Runny nose and watery eyes.

  5. Sandy says:

    Those are gorgeous! I hope they aren’t making it as bad for you as we are getting in Florida. I’m a mess.

  6. diane says:

    OMG these are ALL gorgeous. We just don’t see those varieties here is New England. It is tulip time 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  7. Jenners says:

    I love love love the slope behind your house!!!
    And these are eye poppingly bright!

    The last one does totally look like eyes!

  8. Staci says:

    Those are absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!! The slope behind your house is fantastic…I want that transported to my yard!

  9. Ti says:

    That first shot doesn’t even look real. It’s just beautiful.

    It was hot and humid here today. Not the norm for us at all. I was crabby because of it (still am).

    Then I had to spend $450 at the eye doctor and got even more crabby. Hmph.

  10. Alyce says:

    Those are absolutely beautiful! My husband was in Arizona on business a couple of weeks ago and sent me lovely cacti photos. Hopefully someday I’ll get to go with him and see them in person. 🙂

  11. ds says:

    Lovely! The desert in bloom is an amazing place. Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Lisa says:

    Your yard is beautiful! But I thought people moved to the desert to get away from allergies. You’re telling me that’s not how it really works?

  13. Julie says:

    Those are stunning! It makes me miss Arizona! I was there in December and want to go back!

  14. JoV says:

    They are so beautiful Jill! Who would have thought there is spring in desert?

    Thanks for sharing!!

  15. softdrink says:

    Succulents cause allergies? I never would’ve guessed. The pollen is bad here right now, and it’s windy, too. Achoo.

  16. Thanks for sharing these. Just beautiful. They make our cheery daffodils look insipid. But then we’re barely out of winter here in Scotland. Snow’s still falling occasionally up north!

  17. Darlene says:

    What beautiful flowers! I would give anything to have all those blooming at my house!

  18. stacybuckeye says:

    On this gloomy Ohio day it was a joy to see these beautiful pics 🙂

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